About Us

So, after working for 30 years plus and finally retiring, what is the obvious thing that one does? Well of course, buy a farm! This is exactly what Marlene Armstrong did when she leapt out of her full-time career. Not so much Maureen Donoghue. After she jumped off the work-a-day wheel, she launched a studied practice of doing nothing at all for about 3 years…and then, the two met for lunch.

Marlene shared a newspaper article she had read. It detailed how, for many years, horses have been helping humans grow both personally and professionally. Marlene’s enthusiasm tapped into Maureen’s passion for lifelong learning and the intelligence of animals to inspire. In quick order, the two signed up for a year-long certification program with the Koelle Institute to become certified Equus CoachesTM and in 2011, Unbridled Coaching was born.

And so, the M&M Team galloped into coaching with their unbridled enthusiasm. Within the first few sessions, they were both rocked with how quickly their clients had powerful insights and took the next steps to transform their lives. Frankly, what the what??? It was clear that the horses had Super Powers beyond the understanding of Maureen and Marlene to help humans. It took at least another seven years before they could even articulate to others what exactly was taking place. The only expression that seemed to capture it was, “People Whispering”. And, to the current day, the mystery continues!

Over the years, superstar clients have graced Unbridled Coaching, showing up with courage to be vulnerable and learn more about themselves. A beautiful community is evolving with an energy of the wisdom of the herd, moving from strength to strength. Please explore more of all that we are offering here, as we would LOVE for you to be part of our herd.

Come and Let the Horses Whisper YOU!

Marlene Armstrong

Co-Founder & Certified Equus Coach 

  Marlene has had a passion for horses as far back as she can remember. A lifelong horsewoman, she always knew they are exceptional beings who can heal your soul and help you find your way back to your true self. 
  She immediately recognized Equus Coaching as a tremendous opportunity to help others and resolved to bring it to the Nation’s Capital. Marlene owns Foxview Stables in Ottawa, home of Unbridled Coaching, where she offers Equus coaching to teams, executives and individuals.
  Marlene has two daughters — Jenna who manages the daily operations of boarding and horse training at Foxview Stables — and Morgan, an equine veterinarian who keeps the herd of 16 horses healthy. 
  With more than 35 years of experience, Marlene brings a wealth of knowledge in project management, leading inter-disciplinary teams, organizing major corporate events, coaching and team-building. Marlene has an Honours degree – Bachelor of Commerce, with a concentration in Human Resources.
  She is also a certified Equus CoachTM, having completed Koelle Institute for Equus Coaching’s year-long program. Her passion to help clients reach their true potential and find their ‘essential self’ is unsurpassed.

Maureen Donoghue

Co-Founder & Certified Equus Coach

Maureen’s lifelong passion has been one of personal development, nurtured by all of her relationships. She brings seven decades of life experience to her practice of coaching in partnership with the horses.

Maureen has received an ever-evolving wisdom from being a daughter, sister, and aunt in her first family.   She has been a wife for over forty years and navigates and mines the gold from that relationship every day. Enduring friendships and community engagement add to the richness of her experiences and insights.

Maureen’s education and profession have afforded her additional powerful opportunities to learn and grow. With a degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Education, she launched her career as a teacher. Working with the Canadian Federal Government, she developed from trainer to facilitator to organization development consultant. This education allowed her to have keen insights into the link between trusting work relationships and business success. For Maureen, retirement from her full-time career has been more an experience of “re-firement”.


During the completion of a year-long training with Koelle Simpson, an international Master Equus Coach, she actually discovered she was afraid of horses! Another testament to the power of horses to “smoke out” blind spots.  From that juncture, Maureen continues to integrate their wisdom into her personal growth and coaching practice.

You will learn how easily Maureen creates an atmosphere of safety and openness in your coaching session. Fun is guaranteed!

our herd


Clara – is a beautiful 4-year old dark bay Hanoverian who arrived at Foxview Stables for formal training with Jenna, so that Clara’s then-owner could sell her to an up and coming rider. Clara immediately landed in our hearts and patiently waited for Sophie [one of Jenna’s clients] to notice her in the paddock. Sophie had search far and wide for a new riding partner — all the while, Clara was right in “our own backyard”. Clara continues to work her magic by connecting with the hearts of our clients in our Meditation with Horses Program. She is a superstar at holding safe space.  


Dusty – is our thirty-year-old Appendix mare who has “been there, done that”, in the horse competition world. She is as solid as they come… both physically and emotionally. She is Unbridled Coachinggo-to-gal” when it comes to helping clients become aware of their blind spots and showing them exactly how they are showing up, without any judgment whatsoever.  Another master meditator as well! 


Cedric – is a bay OTTB (off-the-track thoroughbred) who enjoys his nap times! In fact, every morning you can see him “Zen-ed” out in the paddock. When it comes to working with clients, he can continue that Zen or show up large! Liz, his generous owner, allows Cedric to work his magic in meditation and other coaching sessions (one-on-one and group).


Turika came to Foxview Stables as a four-year old (now nine) from northern British Columbia! She was gangly and looked a bit like a deer with her large ears (and a small body at the time). She has blossomed into a beautiful, sweet-hearted horse and has won the hearts of many of Unbridled Coachings clients. Samantha is now her proud owner and has generously agreed to keep her in our program!


Smooze belongs to a teenager, Lia, who adores him (and rightly so). Another OTTB who knows how to teach our clients how to chill and unwind. Also, Smooze is part of our Meditation with Horses Program. That heart on his face says it all! 


Cheniah, full of character, is a beautiful bay Warmblood mare. She is one of our superstar meditators. Her owner, Emma, loves that she participates in the meditation sessions to impart her wisdom to clients around the circle.  

Our herd lives here at Foxview Stables