Notes from the Round Pen
Hi There! First let me introduce myself, my name is Mojo, formally known as Whole Lotta Mojo. I am a 13 year old Quarter Horse, Paint, 14.2 hands tall. I am semi-retired from a successful career in eventing and pony jumpers. The most interesting thing, at least I like to think so, is that over the last two years, I have been the lead Equus Coach at Foxview Stables. I work alongside Marlene and Maureen and it has been a learning adventure for all of us.
Despite my good looks (and unimposing height), it has been a surprise to experience how some clients are afraid of me. That said, it has been equally rewarding for these very clients to end up laughing, having fun and giving me a big hug by the end of the session. Another surprise that I have had is to see just how many folks are not clear on what they want. This has made me a bit dizzy at times with the confusion this creates, however, I am good at guiding them to be clearer. Marlene and Maureen are getting pretty good at this too, when they remember to take my lead.
If you have some fears about things and are at times not sure what you want, I thought I would share with you a fun exercise to get you back on track. You know how kids (particularly the four year old ones) love to ask the question “Why”? Well, I think they are wise beyond their years on this front and perhaps know something that we might have forgotten. Try out this exercise below, which gets you to ask yourself a buncha “Whys” to get to the truth of what might be really going on with you.
Why # 1 – “Why am I afraid to ask for what I want”?
The answer: “Because I am imposing myself on others”
The bigger truth: “I am afraid I will offend the person”
Why #2 – “Why am I afraid to offend this person”?
The answer: “Because they will think I am selfish”
The bigger truth: “I am afraid they will say no to my request”
Why #3 – Why am I afraid they will say no to my request?
The answer:”Because they are too busy with their own lives”
The bigger truth: “It hurts when people say no to me”
Why #4 – “Why am I hurt when people say no to me”
The answer: it shows that I have wasted their time
The bigger truth: “It means that they really don’t like me”
Lightbulb experience! Now you know your true motivation for being fearful to ask for what you want. Now you can explore more deeply whether this thought is really true. You may even start with asking yourself how YOU feel when others ask YOU for something.
How is THAT for Horse Sense!?!?
Until Next Time