September 9 – 10 – 11, 2016
Chances are that if you are reading this, you have been working hard to learn more about your inner-workings. The Gallop into Your Dreams workshop is the perfect way for you to get ready for your next big leap towards the life that you’ve been envisioning.
Are You?
• Ready and willing to take your life to the next level?
• Committed to realizing your full potential?
• Working hard to build the courage you need to transform your life?
• Busy trying all kinds of personal growth strategies and are ready for something bigger?
• Yearning to manifest more positive results?
• Coachable and willing to receive guidance?
The Gallop Into Your Dreams workshop holds the answers you are seeking!
Join us for this profound and super-charged personal growth experience that combines the power of the Passion Test® with that of Equus Coaching. This premium program will allow you to get clear on your passions and connect with the ‘power of the herd’ to strengthen your resolve as you become anchored in what is most important to you.
At the end of the day, you will have clarity and be more energized to launch towards a future filled with amazing possibilities. You will be aligned with your passions so that you can manifest your life through intention, meaning and fun.
The secret to living a life filled with passion, playfulness and purpose is to first gain clarity on what is most important to you. Then you can choose in favour of your passions and create the life and career you want!
By saying ‘Yes!’ you will unlock your inner guidance system and learn to stay ‘on purpose’ in all important aspects of your life. Open to your true essence by knowing your life’s Top 5 passions –
Book now! Gallop into your dreams by learning more about what is calling YOU.
Ignite Your Passions
Friday September 9 (5:00 to 9:00 p.m.)
- Welcome and Introductions
- Equus Meditation Circle
- Passion Test
- Wrap-up and rest-up for the rest of the weekend.
Friday evening – 3 Key Takeaways:
- You will take the Passion Test® and identify your Top 5 Passions.
- You will identify key strategies required to live your passions every day.
- You will gain greater insights into what is holding you back.
*Learn 3 key components of the passion test formula
*Create key markers so you know you are living your passions
*Learn the supporting principles to sustain living passionately
*Identify realistic, achievable next steps to living your passions
Leap Out of Your Comfort Zone
Saturday – September 10 (8:30 a.m. to 5p.m.)
- Horse Meditation and Cards
- Leap of Faith Exercise with horses
Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch (bring your own)
- Leap of Faith Exercise with horses (cont’d)
- Wrap up
On Saturday, the horses will show you how to leap out of your comfort zone and into new pastures without judgement leaving you with these 2 key takeaways:
- You will develop a detailed road map for moving out of your comfort zone to fully live your passions.
- You will strengthen your ability to follow Nature’s Guidance System to help you take your next steps
- You will learn how to decode the intelligence of your physical and emotional feedback
*Identify the “anecdotes” to your key challenges
*Learn how to identify repetitive stressful thoughts that unconsciously drive your behaviour and turn them around
*Identify the many faces of resistance that keep you from moving forward
*Learn the stepping stones in the roadmap out of your comfort zone and identify where you are
*Connect with your courage to navigate the challenges along your path
*Identify realistic, achievable next steps to leap out of your comfort zone
Balance through Boundaries
Sunday – September 11 (8:30 a.m. to 5p.m.)
- Equus Meditation and Sharing Insights
- Creating balance through setting boundaries with grace – guided by the horses
Noon to 1 p.m. Lunch (bring your own)
- Setting boundaries exercise (cont’d)
- Closing
On our last day together, you will learn to gracefully bring balance into your life through setting loving boundaries and go home with these 3 key takeaways:
- You will identify what your role has been in creating your own overwhelm
- You will know how to say “no” with grace
- You will choose in favour of your passions regardless of the “chicken littles” in your life
*Learn how to set boundaries with courage, compassion and grace
*Connect with your power to create balance in your life
*Clarify what your balanced life looks and feels like
*Define when you need to set boundaries
*Discover the connection between setting boundaries and strengthening relationships
*Identify realistic, achievable next steps in setting boundaries and living a balanced life
Come meet the team of expert coaches, both two legged and four legged that will guide you through this experience: Marlene Armstrong, Maureen Donoghue and Lisa Anna Palmer. And of course Dusty, Bonita, Mojo, Ricky and Luke.
Here is what some of our clients are saying:
“Lisa, Maureen and Marlene became your guides, the workshop participants, part of your team, and the horses your inner compass. There is really nothing like the experience and journey. By the end of the day I felt like I was part of a new tribe and had a changed perspective on myself and life.” ~ Lora Ricci
“I grew up with horses and then married someone who was allergic to them. As a coach, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend an equine related coaching experience for myself. It was a life changing day. I remember driving up to the property and immediately breaking in to tears with the realization I needed horses back in my life. My purpose and passion work in the morning kept bringing me back to this message. Health…ride more; Balance…Ride more; Relationships…need to ride again; spiritual…definitely need to reconnect with nature; simplicity and yes, the way to do so was to ride more….I am now proud owner of, a beautiful Bay Arab mare. We are enjoying a spiritual journey.” ~ Pauline Fleming
To be held at:
Foxview Stables
3158 Stagecoach Rd
Osgoode, Ontario
September 9 – 10 – 11, 2016
Due to food sensitivities, please bring your own lunch. Optional dinner together (each pays their own) at the end of the workshop.
Investment: $530 + HST. Maximum of 8. Book early! Register by completing the form below or call Marlene at 613-277-4402.